Hunsdon Village Pump and Lamp

As part of the Hunsdon Improvement projects the Parish Council is doing on the back of the UK Prosperity Funding obtained from Central Government, we are refurbishing the ancient Pump and Railings at the junction of Drury Lane and High Street.

These are listed monuments from the 1800s and near to them is the old Oil Lamp, which we are restoring to what it looked like originally as one of three which lit the village over 100 years ago (though it will have a modern solar light). 

Work will start on Monday, September 16, 2024. Residents around the Pump have received a letter warning them of the work and some minor  parking restrictions while it is being done. 

The contractors will need access and we would ask local residents kindly not to park there from 8am on September 16 until the works are completed.

There will be some spaces available during weekdays (i.e NOT Saturday or Sunday 21/22 September) in the Village Hall car park and some neighbouring streets. 

This work is due to finish by the end of September or earlier in the event of good weather.

We hope local residents will be able to help us get this all done as quickly as possible so that we successfully restore these ancient Hunsdon monuments to their former glory.

Contact: Councillor Frank O’Shea 07795 814320 



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