The Hunsdon Area Neighbourhood Plan was adopted by East Herts Council in November 2022 following a massive endorsement by residents and now has statutory status as part of the District Plan. The Dell was designated Local Green Space under the policies. (LGS1).
The Plan’s Health and Wellbeing Policies provide for the enhancement of the village’s recreational areas and specifically to: –
Develop the Dell as a tranquil, natural space to add to the diverse range of facilities for the parish. (Policy HWB2)

The Parish Council is now taking this initiative forward and a 5-year Greenspace Action Plan has been drafted by Hertfordshire County Councils Countryside Management Service. The proposals embrace the range of features identified in the Neighbourhood Plan Task List including planting wildflowers and fruit trees, enhancing wildlife habitat, improving accessibility and additional seating.
The plan below shows how the Dell could look after a few years. The Parish Council is seeking residents’ views on the proposals, in particular, if there are additional features you would like to see included.
The draft 5-year GAP can be viewed on our website here (pdf)
A hard copy is also available to view in the Village Hall Kitchen room which is open during the doctor’s surgery hours on Monday and Friday mornings.
If you have any comments please leave your feedback in the comments box below or write to our Clerk Carol Page by July 31, 2024 at
Or, if you prefer, please call Bob Toll, Chairman Hunsdon PC 01279 842783

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