Councillor positions are voluntary and appointed by election of parishioners for a fixed term of office. The current term of office began in May 2019.

The Clerk is always a good place to start but please respect her usual hours of work, Monday – Friday, 9:30 – 4:30, and always check to make sure that she is not on holiday.

Bob Toll (Chair)

Can help you with:

  • Briggens Estate Mineral Extraction and Waste Plans  Reviewing HCC published information
  • Responding to planning procedures
  • Co-ordinating with SAPC, HEGNPG
  • Engaging professional advice
  • Dell improvements
  • Finance and asset management

Frank O’Shea (Vice Chair)

Can help you with:

  • Planning –  Review all applications referred to council as consultee. Considering local issues and views, planning policy and HANP. Recommendations to Council and seek professional advice where necessary
  • Trustee for the Village Hall Management Committee – act as representative for Parish Council
  • Gilston Development Villages 1-6,7.  Represent issues within Parish, e.g. V7 Liaison and representations to EHDC,  developers, district councillors,  MP, Secretary of State re Call-in, other Statutory Bodies and other  local parties;

Dave McDonald

Can help you with:

Flood Overview

  • Liaison with external bodies (Multi Agency Group, fire department, flood defence planners and environment agencies as needed) To work with local authority and environmental agency to resolve ongoing issues.
  • Take a lead role in advising across all areas of council where flooding is an issue

Dave Ottolangui

Can help you with:

Village Improvements

  •  Coordinate and contribute to village improvement projects in line with agreed Parish Council budgets and grant awards (e.g. UK Shared Prosperity fund grant award which includes update of village entrances, refurbishment of the village pump and provision of new communal seating)

Jon Dann

Can help you with:


  • Oversee and act as Lead on allotment committee , holding regular meetings
  • Collection of rents, monthly check on allotments. 


  • Liaising with community regarding potholes etc
  • Set up Highways sub-committee and action all outstanding issues
  • Ensure village gateways are maintained and verges are cut
  • Maintain road signs (list of road signs to be put on website)
  • Get 20mph at school and playing field

Carole Page (Clerk)

Can help you with:

  • Playing field /general village maintenance
  • To execute decisions of the council, provides independent, objective and professional advice.
  • Liaison with authorities: Police. Fire brigade, local council, Planning, Thames Water etc
  • Advisor to the council on procedural matters.
  • Manages the council’s assets, drafts policies and conducts research. Answerable to the council.
  • Oversees the play equipment, playing field, Dell (monthly checks) with yearly external audit
  • Ensures maintenance of Parish Council assets to include hedging
  • Defibrillator to be monitored monthly
  • Communications – monthly parish magazine