The Parish Council, as part of the joint Hunsdon, Eastwick and Gilston Neighbourhood Plan Group, encourages residents to respond to the current Planning Applications relating to The Gilston Area and has produced an information sheet to assist in you in doing so.

The Parish Council has itself responded in the following terns

“The Parish Council, as a sponsor of the joint Hunsdon with Eastwick and Gilston Neighbourhood Plan Group, endorses the responses produced by the Group and accordingly appends them as part of its submission, together with a covering letter from Hunsdon Parish Council.
There are several key issues in the response that the Parish Council would like to underscore and amplify as part of its objections, and are outlined in the letter. These have emerged from discussions within the council and residents and following public consultations organised by The Hunsdon Area Neighbourhood Plan Group. We trust that all concerns will be clarified and refined through engagement by both the applicants and the East Herts Council with our joint Neighbourhood Plan Group over the coming weeks.”

The Parish Council’s covering letter is here

The Joint Neighbourhood Plan Group’s response to the Outline Application for Villages 1 – 6 is here

The Joint Neighbourhood Plan Group’s response to the Detailed Application for the River Stort crossings is here



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