You can download the whole newsletter as a pdf here
What a year!
2020 was certainly a difficult year for us all and like everyone else Hunsdon Scout Group had to adapt to some new challenges.
Our leaders responded promptly and offered virtual sessions for Cubs immediately, continuing through the holidays to the end of Summer Term. Not to miss out the Beavers were soon on board, and the Scouts managed some meetings too.
We are enormously grateful to the leaders, young leaders and helpers who did such a brilliant job keeping Scouting running in Hunsdon throughout 2020.
Thanks also to all the families, for your support and for encouraging the children to carry on Scouting at home.
Tier 4 means we are in Red Status again. We know virtual meetings
don’t suit everyone, however we may run a few more until things get better and we are permitted to return to F2F meetings again.
We can’t wait to get back to normal Scouting. Until then, stay safe and we wish you a Happy New Year.
Best wishes, from Karen and everyone at Hunsdon Scout Group
Looking forward
Sadly our Camping plans were put on hold in 2020, but we have dates reserved for Summer ‘21 for Cubs and Beavers, and we’re looking forward to returning to Face to Face Scouting as soon as we are allowed to!
We are also booking some outdoor adventurous activities for all sections – something to look forward to!
The Ware and District team is discussing how to offer a celebration for Founder’s Day, and a ceremony to mark special awards. We’ll keep you posted.
During 2020 Tim moved house so can no longer help out and others reduced their time, but the good news is we welcomed Michelle to the Cubs Team and Will to Scouts. With the new regulations for Covid numbers we still need more help!
We’re totting up how many F2F sessions we held in 2020 and will issue an invoice for the whole year, We decided not to charge for virtual meetings. Please watch out for the invoice in your mailbox.
Badges Galore
Lockdowns didn’t stop us earning badges. Zoom meetings covered a range of activities for Gardener, Home Help, Animal Carer, Naturalist, Chef, Book Reader, Artist, Entertainer, Communicator and even some simple knotting.
We ran quizzes and competitions, performed music and sang songs, and had some hilarious scavenger hunts.
Yes, it was different, but it was still fun and we have more great plans for 2021 including fire skills, Trangia stoves, backwoods cooking and themed hikes.
In the Autumn term, when Scouting returned to Amber readiness level, we worked hard to put our Covid risk assessment in place, and once we got approval from the District Commissioner our Cubs and Scouts were able to meet Face to Face again for a few sessions.
The Cubs enjoyed hiking, fitness activities, planets, stars, teamwork activity with sparklers, constellation bingo and chair football.
Meanwhile the Scouts learned selfadministered first aid, hikes, did some navigation, and had fun making cave man camp dampers and DIY torches.
Our second base, has provided us with essential extra space to maintain social distance while offering a little shelter for the predominantly outdoor
Celebrating differently in 2020!
St George’s Day and VE Day were both celebrated online, we sent Easter cards and birthday cards to care homes and held some socially distanced investitures. Poppy crosses were made at home for Remembrance Sunday and we set a challenge for Cubs to make a tree decoration using stuff they already had at home.
Our Beavers need your help
While the Cubs and Scouts were able to meet for face to face Scouting, it was not possible for Beavers because of a shortage of leaders.
If you fancy trying something new in 2021, why not join us? No previous experience necessary, you’ll get lots of support, access to free resources, free online training to get you started, and discounts. You’ll meet new friends, gain new skills and have loads of fun.
Interested? Just an hour a week will really help!
To find out more drop a line to
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