The precept for 2020/21 was £15,268. The precept for 2021/2022 will increase to £21,000, to ensure the precept covers the day-to-day running of the village.
A detailed breakdown of the accounts is shown below and the Council’s books will be available for inspection later this year.

At the close of business on 5th April 2021, the end of our financial year, the Parish Council had £49,777 in its Bank Account.
The Council has its own website,, on which Council minutes, agendas, statutory documents, and audit documents are available.
The following audit documents are now available in our documents library for the 2020-21 financial year: The Annual Internal Audit Report, The Annual Governance Statement, The Accounting Statement, Details of the exercise of public rights, A declaration that the accounts are as yet unaudited, Name and address of the External Auditor, Notice of Public rights and Publication of unaudited AGAR.
You can download and read these documents here.
Our litter pickers continue to do a good job. East Herts funds our litter pickers – £1,942 pa. Despite their hard work, it is not possible for them to clear every part of the parish on a regular basis, due to Health and Safety they are unable to clear beyond the village boundary.
I would like to see parishioners taking care of the areas around their homes by clearing some of the litter left by the thoughtless and uncaring, keeping to the pavements though and not stepping into the roads. The Council would very much like to thank those who already voluntarily clear litter.
The Council’s thanks go to the Gardening club who keeps our flower planters looking beautiful throughout the year. We are looking to purchase two wooden planters to go next to the bench on the Memorial green.
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